Introducing "How To Be A Great Employee" - The Ultimate Course to get what you want from your job and Accelerate Your Career Growth

Are you tired of working hard. Day in and day out without any significant growth or recognition? Do you feel like you're stuck in a rut, despite giving your best? Or feel like others are moving up without you? You're not alone. Millions of employees face the same struggle throughout their careers, and it often takes them years to realize the secret to success.

What does it take to get more out of your job?

The truth is, it's not just about how well you do your job. It's about how well you fit into the company. Those who truly succeed have figured this out – and now it's time for you to do the same.

Don't let another 5 to 10 years pass you by before you finally understand the importance of fitting in. With our "Career Launch" course, you can fast-track your way to becoming a great employee and unlock the doors to career success.

This course gives me a cheat code for work!

Who is this course for?

  • Anyone who is in a new job.

  • Anyone planning to make a major career change.

  • Anyone who feels like they are not fitting in at their job.

  • Anyone who is tired of feeling like others are in control over your career.

My name is Brad. I created this course because I saw a problem. People starting out in their career (even those who have been working for 10-15 years) were prepared for only part of their job. The LEAST important part actually.

I watched my kids spend the first 3 or 4 years in a job, frustrated. Pissed off. Some times in tears. They had learned how to do the work...but they never learned how to be a good employee. The second half of a job. In fact, they had never considered what 'being a good employee' meant.

Having worked for 30 years, as an employee, a manager, an executive, and the owner, I have seen it all.

I have been in your shoes. I have been in your bosses shoes. Here is the sad truth:

Companies are not equipped to help employees become better employees. They can help you 'do your job'. But they don't have the time, resources, or perspective to help you be a better employee.

This course is divided into three Sections. Each addressing the most important things to get more out of your job & career.

  • Understand How the Company Makes Money - Once you understand how the company makes money, you gain a super power. How you contribute, how you make decisions, how you think about your job will be better. More aligned with the company's make MORE money. Which means YOU WILL MAKE MORE MONEY.

  • Understand the Value of Your Job - Discover the true worth of your role, how it contributes to the company's success, and how you can maximize that value. Once you understand everything that is available, you'll see opportunity where others can't.

  • Understand What Your Boss Really Wants - There is a cheat code to your job. Every job has one. Some jobs have more than one. In this section we will show you where it is, how to interpret it, and what to do with that info. Your boss is the main gatekeeper to greater things. We'll show you how to pick that lock.

A word of caution:

DON'T get this course if:

if you don't plan to finish.

if you are looking for an "EASY" button. The material is simple, but not easy.

if you are looking for a way to manipulate others.

Don't let another 5 to 10 years pass you by before you finally understand the importance of the soft skills and how to improve. With our "How To Be a Great Employee" course, you can fast-track your way to getting the pay. The recognition. The opportunities you deserve. And unlock the doors to your career success.

This course has all of the things I wish I knew a long time ago. This will finally give you the power to control your career...your income, and ultimately...your life.

You don't have to spend year after year trying to figure this out on your own. I've taken out the fluff and teach you what I know works. Step by step.

Imagine getting asked "what do you think" in meetings.

Getting word that your boss want's you to go on trip with someone more senior. Beacuse "you'll just pick it up quick."

Imagine your coworker saying "man, how is it that you know all of the key people here?"

Imagine knowing your pay is 30% more than your peers. Because you are more valuable to the company than just 'the thing you are paid to do.'

This course. My Career Launch. Will help these become reality.

This is the course I wish I had 30 years ago.

This is the course I wish my kids had 10 years ago.

This is the course you NEED today.

This course is part of the Career Launch series.